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    We're going to start our tutorial with this O1 starting point directory. Now, that's where our initial application starts and let's go have a look at it right now. Now, once you've done npm install to install your dependencies, and npm run dev to run the development server on port 3000, you'll see the Donuts and Dragoons store in your browser.

    This is a simple e-commerce application. We're selling t-shirts in this case. The list of products shown here is fixed. These are all shirts generated by mid-journey if you're curious. This is the main landing page, so it's going to show you all of the shirts that we have, and then you can simply click on one of the shirts and

    go to the product details page. Now, the product details page is where you see the image as well as the title, the description, and the price. That's all static data, that's not going to change. There is the review section below, that is dynamic data, so we can add reviews,

    and then there is the related products section at the bottom, where we see other shirts that we can then click on from here. This related product section is actually important to test, because what you want to do is make sure that your state management works when you navigate from the route that you're on to essentially the same route with a different parameter.

    So in this case, we're going from one product to another, and you want to make sure that your state management system handles that correctly. In this case, that means updating the product in place, which it does, as well as getting the new set of reviews. Now, what we want to do in this tutorial is set up our cart. So we have a cart over here,

    and we have two items in the cart currently. You can clear the cart, you can check out, can't really actually check out, but there's a button for it, and you can add the cart. So that's what we're going to implement here. Let's go back over to the code and take a look where we want to actually do this implementation. We'll start our tour of the code, the layout component.

    That layout is shared across all of the routes of the application. In this case, it contains that header, which is the top of the page, as well as the children, which is the children for that given route. Now, at the top of this component, we're using GetCart to get the current contents of the cart. We also create a clear cart action that we're going to send down into our header.

    That's how you can clear the cart. Now, these actions return a new cart. So in this case, we return an empty cart. Now, let's go take a look at that header. The header is a client component. It takes the current cart as well as that clear cart action. It then displays the number of items in the cart in that little circle.

    It also either shows or hides the cart pop-up. The cart pop-up component is another client component. It again takes the cart, which you got from the header, as well as that clear cart action, again, from the header originating in the layout. It also has that clear cart button with a click handler, where you're going to want to call that clear cart action and

    set the cart to whatever you get back from the clear cart action. Now, another important page here is the product detail page. That's under products ID and then page.tsx. Let's go have a look at that component. This product detail page takes the parameter of the ID of the product. It also creates an add to product server action

    that it's then going to send on to the add to cart button. You can see the add to cart button right down here, right below the average rating. Then let's have a look at that add to cart button. It also takes the add to cart action server action. You're going to want to call that when you get a click, and then set the cart to the result of that action.

    One last thing you'll probably need is the type for cart, which is defined over in API types. The cart is just an object that includes a products key. That products key is an array of different items in the cart. Our objective in this exercise is to create some React context that we will use to manage

    that cart both on the client and on the server. Of course, check out the resources section for some helpful hints that will get you there. Good luck.