What Theme Do I Use In My Videos?

Question: What theme do I use in my videos?
Answer: It's not a question that is specific to NextJS or React, but I often get asked in the comments of my Blue Collar Coder YouTube videos about what Visual Studio Code theme I use. I use the Night Wolf - Black theme. And I couple that with the JETBrains Mono font. I also enable Ligatures
. It seems to look pretty good.
Of course there is also the terminal. In VS Code I use SpaceMono NF. And then I use a Oh-My-Zsh to up-rev the zsh
shell. For the prompt I use Oh-My-Posh and the atomic
theme. For my terminal I'm currently using Tabby, but I've also used iTerm 2 and Warp.
If you have an ideas for a good theme I should try out hit me up on Twitter.